*BSD News Article 51018

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From: cooker@ci.ua.pt (Fernando Cozinheiro)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Big Disk under FreeBSD????
Date: 16 Sep 1995 20:59:32 GMT
Organization: Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <43fdrk$o6l@titan.ci.ua.pt>
Reply-To: Fernando.Cozinheiro@ci.ua.pt
NNTP-Posting-Host: zeus.ci.ua.pt
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Dear friends:

I need to take  some  decisions  about  what kind of disk we will buy to
support some of our services  under  FreeBSD.  The best one (in terms of
price  and  characteristics)  is  one  from  MICROPOLIS  with  9  GB  of
capacity...  but I suspect that LINUX don't support it yet.

I would  appreciate  very if  someone  could  share  his  experience  or
knowledge with me, about the following subjects:

 - Does anyone installed already any Micropolis disk with this capacity?
 - What is the maximum capacity of any file system under FreeBSD?

Thanks in advance.

Fernando Cozinheiro                     http://sweet.ua.pt/~cooker/
System & Network Administrator          Email: cooker@ci.ua.pt
Universidade de Aveiro               Phone:
Centro de Informatica                   UA:     +351 34 370200/Ext.2254
3810 Aveiro                             CIUA:   +351 34 370345
Portugal                             Telefax:   +351 34 370214