*BSD News Article 49910

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From: Jon Jenkins <jenkinsj@ozy.dec.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: 16550A: slattach better w/ or w/out -h?
Date: 2 Sep 1995 03:20:34 GMT
Organization: Digital Equipment Corp
Lines: 14
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I include it with the modem set for RTS/CTS flow
control. Works great:

slattach -a -s 57600 -h /dev/ttyd1

Name:      Dr Jon Jenkins    Location: Digital Equipment Corporation NaC
Voice/Fax: 61-7-55-75-0151/100         Burnett Place, Research Park,  
Inet:      jenkinsj@ozy.dec.com        Bond University, Gold Coast
Close Proximity: "HEY YOU !!!"         QLD, AUSTRALIA 4229
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