*BSD News Article 49619

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From: Bertrand Meyer <bertrand@eiffel.com>
Newsgroups: misc.jobs.offered,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.c-cat,comp.object,comp.lang.eiffel,alt.syntax.tactical,comp.lang.misc,comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc
Subject: [--] Re: Beginner to C/C++ looking for some good books
Date: 23 Aug 1995 18:01:04 GMT
Organization: Interactive Software Engineering Inc.
Lines: 62
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References: <40b4i2$egf@ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <brockmanDDLJDL.2IJ@netcom.com> <41alha$b1g@cisunix1.dfci.harvard.edu> <DDowtJ.KL6@research.att.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au misc.jobs.offered:196183 comp.lang.c:110937 comp.lang.c++:121391 comp.object:30947 comp.lang.eiffel:9011 alt.syntax.tactical:926 comp.lang.misc:17141 comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc:142

From Andrew Koenig <ark@research.att.com>:
> C++ is not philosophically unsound.  It is a consistent expression
> of the viewpoint that C programmers should not be forced to discard
> their existing code and knowledge in order to be able to program
> in a more abstract style.

Since, among others, the quoted message was posted on comp.lang.eiffel,
it is perhaps useful to note that Eiffel certainly is not an "expression
of the viewpoint that C programmers should ... be forced to discard their
existing code and knowledge". Andrew Koenig did not write as much but
one could draw from his statement the a contrario impression that
languages other than C++ promote such a viewpoint.

Here the difference between C++ and Eiffel is not about the need
to retain compatibility with existing C software; everyone agrees that
this is desirable. The difference is about how to go about retaining
such compatibility. The C++ view promotes compatibility at the language
level. The Eiffel approach holds that a language should remain
simple and consistent, and not try to be two radically different
things at once - C and object-oriented -, which risks leading
to a language that is too complex, and unsatisfactory on both
counts: not as good as C as a simple, efficiently
compilable machine-oriented language; yet not delivering the true benefits
of object technology because it is hampered at every step by
the yoke of C compatibility (in areas such as memory management,
type safety, modular structures, syntax, pointers, array handling etc.).

Instead, the Eiffel view is that we should have a language that is
object-oriented all the way through, while providing clear and
clean communication paths with the non-O-O world, in particular the
C world. Hence the possibility of declaring an Eiffel routine
as being external and written in C, so that any call to the routine,
viewed as a normal Eiffel call by the Eiffel side, will actually
trigger the associated C function or macro; and the presence of a library
(CECIL) that provides communication in the reverse direction,
enabling C software to create Eiffel objects and apply Eiffel
features (routines and attribute accesses) to them.

I find this approach preferable to the C++ one. It enables a smooth
transition, retaining the benefits of existing code and competence, 
and it draws a clear line between the two technologies, accepting that
C is not O-O and O-O is not C.

Bertrand Meyer, ISE Inc., Santa Barbara
805-685-1006, fax 805-685-6869, <bertrand@eiffel.com>
Web home page: http://www.eiffel.com

	(The "label pin" [..] indicates adherence to the SELF-DISCIPLINE program
	for better Usenet discussions. See http://www.eiffel.com/discipline.)

P.S. I hesitated about where to post this message. The groups line
is obviously too broad, but for a direct response it
seemed OK to retain the original. If I have to post any further comment
I will narrow the list down to the  most relevant
groups: comp.lang.c++, comp.lang.eiffel and perhaps comp.object.