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From: "Patrick D. Logan" <patrick_d_logan@ccm.jf.intel.com>
Newsgroups: misc.jobs.offered,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.c-cat,comp.object,comp.lang.eiffel,alt.syntax.tactical,comp.lang.misc,comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Beginner to C/C++ looking for some good books
Date: 22 Aug 1995 17:05:48 GMT
Organization: Intel/Personal Conferencing
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gotd@jimmy.harvard.edu (Godfrey Degamo) wrote:
>daniel brockman (brockman@netcom.com) wrote:
>: In article <40b4i2$egf@ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> psilocyn@ix.netcom.com (Jeff W. ) writes:
>: >I've been trying to learn C++ on my own with the online books that come
>: >with Borland C++ 4.5, but I'm having trouble understanding them.  So I
>: C++ is philosophically unsound.  it is nonsense.  no one can understand
>: nonsense.  Don't worry about it.
>: db
>Why is C++ philosophically unsound?  I am planning on learning it, if
>they ever standardize the language.  (Have they done so yet?)

Everything is philosophically unsound in software. It is all a matter
of degrees and tradeoffs.

If you want to learn OOP, it may be better to learn a simpler language
first while you learn the concepts of OOP. Smalltalk is often used
to fill this role.

Afterwards, or in place of, learning Smalltalk, there are compelling
reasons to learn C++. You can do effective OOPing in C++, but some
of us would add that the effort is greater.

(I'd rather not use C++, but it is the current 800 lb. gorilla in much
of the software industry, so I do use it. I use almost as much Smalltalk
in order to keep my perspective.)

For OOD and C++, I'd recommend:

* Some beginner book (haven't looked at these for years.)
* Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications using the Booch Method,
  Robert C. Martin, Prentice-Hall
* The one or two Scott Meyers books, like "Effective C++", Addison-Wesley
* Designing Object-Oriented Software, Wirfs-Brock, et al., Prentice-Hall
* Design Patterns, Gamma, et al., Addison-Wesley

Intel/Personal Conferencing Division
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"Poor design is a major culprit in the software crisis...
..Beyond the tenets of structured programming, few accepted...
standards stipulate what software systems should be like [in] detail..."
-Bruce W. Weide, IEEE Computer, August 1995