*BSD News Article 49434

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From: j@bonnie.heep.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: HELP: adding second disk!
Date: 21 Aug 1995 12:59:30 +0200
Organization: Private U**x site, Dresden.
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <419oui$qn2@bonnie.tcd-dresden.de>
References: <Pine.A32.3.91.950818081009.32532C-100000@alpha.enc.edu>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de
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Charles N. Owens <owensc@enc.edu> wrote:

>Is the correct procedure for me to:
>	1. fdisk -u
>           Make one partition, type 165, using whole drive.
>	2. Add entry to /etc/disktab defining my drive.
>	3. do a   disklabel -r -w /dev/sd1 st15320w

For a dedicated drive, omit step 1, and guys, the block devices are
solely for buffered disk IO -- use /dev/rsd1 in step 3.  Better yet,
let disklabel decide what's appropriate and simply use `sd1' (without
the /dev).

	4. disklabel -B sd1

This will suppress the `Invalid partition table: no magic' message
that would otherwise pop up each time the disk device is being opened
(e.g. during fsck or at mount time).

Get NEVER a Messdos 6.X `fdisk' program in contact with such a disk.

>Here is my new /etc/disktab entry:
>st15230w|Seagate ST15230W 4 Gig SCSI-2 WIDE:\
>        :dt=SCSI:ty=winchester:se#512:nt#19:ns#114:nc#3992:\
>        :pa#192774:oa#0:ta=swap:\
>        :pb#197106:ob#192774:bb#4096:fa#512:tb=4.2BSD:\
>        :pc#8646672:oc#0:\
>        :pd#8256792:od#389880:bd#4096:fd#512:td=4.2BSD:\

It's ok for a dedicated drive (no real fdisk partition table), but if
you want to have that stupid fdisk table, you will have to reserve
some space for it.  If i were you, i wouldn't (and i didn't).
cheers, J"org                      private:   joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de

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