*BSD News Article 49118

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From: mikye@jove.acs.unt.edu (Myong In Kye)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Inappropriate ioctl for device & pcvt driver
Date: 18 Aug 1995 19:12:53 GMT
Organization: University of North Texas
Lines: 39
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <412onl$d7s@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
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I have 2.0.5R and built a new kernel to use pcvt, disabling syscons but enabling
pcvt driver, which gives a problem at bootup time.
Next to [keybd, keyrate] (spelling???), the error message says 'Inappropriate
ioctl for device.'

I am using the same /etc/sysconfig file that I have been using with 
my old kernel which used syscons (cons25).
Mainly, I use Tcshell. I tried cons25, and vt220 with the new kernel.

My questions:
1) Hardware probing messages are in red background color. (a feature?)
2) Shell prompt goes color (blue). (another feature?)
3) Are there any other nice features in pcvt? or any limitations or

My problems:
1) Key repeat rate is not set to "fast" as I specified in /etc/sysconfig.
2) Vi screen is not displayed appropriately, sometimes and parts of the screen,
3) File name completion key, i.e., <tab> key, in tcshell, displays file name
   choices on the same command line that I was typing in.

Help needed:
0) How can I eliminate the error message mentioned above?
1) What steps should I take to set up pcvt properly?
   (proper screen display, update/refresh etc.)
2) How can I set key repeat rate to "fast" with pcvt?
3) Which terminal type is the default with pcvt, if I do not specify
   the term type at login? Which term type is recommended?

Any help will be appreciated.

MyongIn Kye
Univ. of North Texas