*BSD News Article 49043

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From: cstruble@quirk.com (Craig Struble)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Pinging myself
Date: 15 Aug 1995 20:51:25 GMT
Organization: Quirk Computing and Consulting
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <CSTRUBLE.95Aug15165127@quirk.com>
References: <808168572snz@beckley.demon.co.uk> <40n1jo$isa@bonnie.tcd-dresden.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: quirk.com
NNTP-Posting-User: cstruble
In-reply-to: Ian W Taylor's message of Tue, 15 Aug 95 19:45:47 GMT

In article <808515947snz@beckley.demon.co.uk> Ian W Taylor <iwta@beckley.demon.co.uk> writes:

> However even ping doesn't start working
> until the ppp link is up.  I presume this is for a
> request for the 'name' for that numeric IP addr.

You might want to make sure there's a route in your routing table that
has routed directly to localhost. Even that might not work,
but if you have a default route out to your ISP, and no route
specifically for your own IP to localhost, then the PPP link will
definitely have to be brought up so that your machine can figure out
how to route the packet.

I have found some random programs that don't like having a route from
my own IP address to localhost, but those are very rare.
	See ya later,
Craig Struble - Grad Student, Consultant, | World's most versatile C program
Student ACM Co-President, Virginia Tech   | (*nix version)
Email - cstruble@vt.edu                   |
URL   - http://acm.vt.edu/~cstruble/      |      #include "/dev/tty"