*BSD News Article 48456

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From: curt@cynic.portal.ca (Curt Sampson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Distribution of BSD?
Date: 12 Aug 1995 17:34:13 GMT
Organization: Internet Portal Services, Ltd.
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <40ioml$o7l@wolfe.wimsey.com>
References: <40heqm$4kf@zeus.IntNet.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cynic.portal.ca

In article <40heqm$4kf@zeus.IntNet.net>,
Jeff Tomich <jtomich@news.IntNet.net> wrote:
>Where can I find a vendor for BSD on cdrom?

You don't say what you need it for.

O'Reilly has the 4.4BSD-Lite distribution on CD-ROM, and I believe
that Walnut Creek does as well. This is source code only.

Walnut Creek distributes FreeBSD for i386 architecture (PC compatable)
machines on CD-ROM. This seems to have the easiest install (though
the FreeBSD install on the Infomagic CD may be just as easy--I've
not tried it) and it certainly has the best cover art. :-)

Infomagic distributes BSDisc, which has both FreeBSD 2.0 and NetBSD
1.0 on it. It's the latest release of NetBSD, but not of FreeBSD.
NetBSD runs on many different architectures.

Curt Sampson    curt@portal.ca		Info at http://www.portal.ca/
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	
Vancouver, BC   (604) 257-9400		De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.