*BSD News Article 48278

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Xref: sserve comp.benchmarks:7876 de.comp.os.unix:311 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:4274
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From: jin@gracie.lbl.gov (Jin Guojun[ITG])
Newsgroups: comp.benchmarks,de.comp.os.unix,de.comp.os.linux,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Intel Zappa board vs. Asus P55...
Date: 9 Aug 1995 21:14:00 GMT
Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <40b8eo$hgj@overload.lbl.gov>
References: <3vvtun$cs@knobel.gun.de> <402lr1$7v8@agate.berkeley.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gracie.lbl.gov

In article <402lr1$7v8@agate.berkeley.edu>,
Jordan K. Hubbard <jkh@violet.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>In article <3vvtun$cs@knobel.gun.de>,
>Andreas Klemm <andreas@knobel.gun.de> wrote:
>>I wanted to get an ASUS P55TP4XE board with synchronous 
>>cache memory. My local hardware shop told me, that currently
>>there is no ASUS board with synchronous (burst) cache available
>>and the normal Asus board would be relatively expensive.
>Just get the ASUS P54TP4 board - you'll find it's more than
>fast enough without the pipeline cache, and you can always
>retrofit it later.  I'm still using an older P54NP4 board
>myself and like it just fine..  I can't be bothered to switch
>to this newfangled EDO stuff.. :-) 

Yes, The ASUS P54TP4 seems has the best performance.
ASUS P54TP4 is about $650 now and costs $55 more than ZAPPA board.
See www-itg.lbl.gov/ISS/performance.ps, page 6-7 for more information.

/-------------- Jin Guojun ------------ v ---- Internet: g_jin@lbl.gov ----\
|	Imaging & Distributed Computing | Usenet: ucbvax!g_jin@lbl.gov	   |
|	Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory	| Bitnet:	--		   |
|	50B-2239, Berkeley, CA 94720	-  jin%george.lbl.gov@Csa3.LBL.Gov |