*BSD News Article 48243

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From: root@buffnet.net (Superuser)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: 2.0's TCPIP troubles
Date: 10 Aug 1995 12:09:30 GMT
Organization: BuffNET
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <40cstq$ndr@buffnet2.buffnet.net>
References: <407a7t$puq@buffnet2.buffnet.net> <409qfn$s9b@bonnie.tcd-dresden.de>
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J Wunsch (j@bonnie.heep.sax.de) wrote:
: steve hovey <shovey@buffnet.net> wrote:
: >Im using the freebsd 2.0 - and I have noticed some trouble with the 
: >tcpip-  If I telnet from it to a term server all the modems reset.

: Did you try disabling the TCP extensions (refer to /etc/sysconfig)?

I must be really dense - there is no /etc/sysconfig and no man page for 
it, not can I find it in a faq.  Ugh.