*BSD News Article 47647

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From: thomas@ghpc8.ihf.rwth-aachen.de (Thomas Gellekum)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: info vs. man
Date: 31 Jul 1995 06:51:22 GMT
Organization: <this space intentionally left blank>
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <3vhuha$4hb@news.rwth-aachen.de>
References: <3veohd$5kr@news.bu.edu> <3vfrfo$ajn@agate.berkeley.edu> <3vhj5t$535@flood.xnet.com>
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Dan Nelson (dnelson@xnet.com) wrote:
> I like the hypertext part of it, but I can't stand the reader (info). 
> Cursor keys don't even work.  I'd use it if up/down/pgup/pgdn/tab/backtab
> were supported.

Grab the info directory from a -current mirror
(.../FreeBSD/FreeBSD-current/src/gnu/usr.bin/texinfo/info). At least
it should support the arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn now.
