*BSD News Article 47529

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From: j@bonnie.heep.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: IBM ISA Ethernet Adapter == ed0 (NE2000) driver??
Date: 27 Jul 1995 10:11:12 +0200
Organization: Private U**x site, Dresden.
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <3v7hn0$qla@bonnie.tcd-dresden.de>
References: <NARTEN.95Jul25161935@cichlid.vnet.ibm.com>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de
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Thomas Narten <narten@vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

>Unfortunately, when I 'ifconfig' it, it fails with the message
>/kernel: ed1: device timeout
>Now, the man page says the above error is most likely caused by a
>conflict with another device.  However, the card works fine when I run
>OS/2 from a different partition.

Check your interrupt settings.  Perhaps OS/2 is overriding the
settings from its driver, FreeBSD 2.0.5 no longer does this (there's
an explanation for this found in the installation documentation you're
supposed to read before installing).
cheers, J"org                      private:   joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de

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