*BSD News Article 47493

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Xref: sserve comp.os.linux.networking:10234 comp.os.ms-windows.networking.tcp-ip:12989 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:3670
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From: jeffm@iglou.iglou.com (Jeff Mcadams)
Subject: Re: Internet service providing-which OS?
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: iglou.iglou.com
Message-ID: <DC2KAn.J9@iglou.com>
Sender: news@iglou.com (News Administrator)
Organization: IgLou Internet Services
References: <3ue5qa$ain@panix.com> <id.VAPL1.0SA@nmti.com> <3uhstv$pf@empire.texas.net> <3uj157$lpr@lonepeak.wasatch.com> <id.0ASL1.EQ9@nmti.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 14:01:35 GMT
Lines: 20

peter@nmti.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>> Ok, throw in some high-end disk drives and 32 MB of RAM and
>> the cost goes up to $3500.

>It's less than that.

>Why do you need lots of RAM and a big disk drive to run PPP?

You do need the RAM, figure every PPP connection starts a ppp process,
that starts sucking down RAM pretty quickly.  Agreed though, that if all
you are going to do is run ppp, then you don't need much in the way of
HD space.

>The biggest cost may well be the serial ports.

and/or the modems to connect to those serial ports.

Jeff McAdams             | "A strange game.                          
IgLou Internet Services  |  The only winning move is not to play."   
e-mail:  jeffm@iglou.com |               --     Joshua