*BSD News Article 47049

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From: jkh@violet.berkeley.edu (Jordan K. Hubbard)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: SYSVSHM in 2.0.5R
Date: 20 Jul 1995 05:26:21 GMT
Organization: University of California, Berkeley
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <3ukpdt$g1v@agate.berkeley.edu>
References: <3uj625$mdr@atlantis.utmb.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: violet.berkeley.edu

In article <3uj625$mdr@atlantis.utmb.edu>,
M. L. Dodson <bdodson@beowulf.utmb.edu> wrote:
>options	SYSVSHM
>work in 2.0.5R?  And would it speed up X on an 8MB 486?

Yes it would work and no, it should have no effect at all on the speed
of your X server or clients.
