*BSD News Article 47008

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From: mattc@ssnet.com (Matthew Chiglinsky)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Can't boot from floppy install
Date: 19 Jul 1995 21:20:44 GMT
Organization: Humanity
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <3ujtdk$ftc_001@ss43.ssnet.com>
References: <3u4l81$bss@news1.mnsinc.com> <3u4uo7$5fh@agate.berkeley.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ss43.ssnet.com
X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #3

In article <3u4l81$bss@news1.mnsinc.com>, Abbadon <abbadon@mnsinc.com> wrote:
>I used the image from 2.0.5.  I used rawrite to put it on a disk but when 
>I I try to boot from it my computer seems to read the disk for a second 
>and then boots from the dos partition on the hard drive anyway.  I have a 

	That sounds like what happens when you have the boot priority of C: 
set about A:.  Switch them around.  Your system isn't even trying to boot from 
the disk.  If it had, then it would have either booted it or reported a bad 
disk.  It wouldn't skip to the hard drive.  Set your boot sequence to A: THEN 

>486DX/50 with 16MB Ram and a 340 MB Hard drive broken up into two 
>partitions.  A 120 MB DOS partition and the rest I created with FIPS.  I 
>tried it with the Linux boot image as well and got the same results so I 
>know either I am doing something wrong or my hardware is hosed.

	The same thing should have happened no matter what disk you tried.  
Change the boot priority order.

           "Put down that weapon, or we'll all be gone.
            I must know something to know it's so wrong...

            ...Put down that weapon, or we'll all be gone.
            You must be crazy if you think you're strong."   --Midnight Oil