*BSD News Article 46904

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From: jimp@wired.com (Jim Petersen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Compiling majordomo-1.93
Date: 15 Jul 1995 04:36:52 GMT
Organization: Wired Ventures, Ltd.
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <jimp-1407952142020001@kokopeli.wired.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: kokopeli.wired.com

(This question is NOT related to HotWired.)

I am attempting to compile majordomo-1.93 on my FreeBSD 2.0SNAP (previous
to 2.0.5--how do I find out exactly which SNAP it is?) system

After creating the majordom user, group, and home directory, and doing
make wrapper successfully, I try make install and get this:

awaken: {46} make install
(test ! -f majordomo.cf  && echo "using sample.cf" &&  cp sample.cf /usr/local/m
ajordomo/majordomo.cf; exit 0)
using sample.cf
(test -f majordomo.cf  && echo "using majordomo.cf" &&  cp majordomo.cf /usr/loc
al/majordomo/majordomo.cf; exit 0)
*** Error code 1


I did chmod 775 on the majordomo home directory, so that should be fine.
Anyone had this experience? Anyone have any ideas?

Much thanks for your time!
Jim Petersen