*BSD News Article 46702

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From: aquigley@tcd.ie (Aaron J. Quigley)
Subject: FreeBSD 1.1 Installing to a Zenith Laptop
Message-ID: <DBLKrE.G87@news.tcd.ie>
Sender: usenet@news.tcd.ie (TCD News System )
Organization: University of Dublin, Trinity College
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 09:52:25 GMT
Lines: 30

	I'm currently trying to install a rather older version on
FreeBSD 1.1 onto a Zenith Z-Note 433 Lnc+ .  I know I should be using
a more recent version but for the moment this is all I have.  

I seem to be getting a Gateway like keyboard lockup as soon 
as I boot up with the floppy.  I get as far as

FreeBSD Boot"0x90000:639/7168k of memory [Revision $]
use hd(1,a)/386bsd to boot sd0 when wd0 is ds0 installed
Boot:[[[Fd(0,a)]/386bsd][-s][-a][-d]]:- (At this point it hangs...)

I've tried hitting the shift/Numlock a number of times but to no avail.

Has anyone run into this problem and solved it,  I think I will try
installing a higher version and this might solve the problem
but I'd like to know is it even possible to install on this machine type

Thanks for any advice.


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