*BSD News Article 46607

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From: mdodd@tiger.lsu.edu (Matthew N. Dodd)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: [HELP] BSD/OS and Livingston portmaster comm server
Date: 9 Jul 1995 15:39:03 -0500
Organization: Louisiana State University
Lines: 34
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <3tpep7$3948@tiger3.ocs.lsu.edu>
References: <shri.805244965@jove>
NNTP-Posting-Host: tiger3-t.ocs.lsu.edu
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Shrinand `shri' Desai (shri@jove.acs.unt.edu) wrote:
: This question is more for portmaster users then bsd/os.
: I have portmaster comm server. Is it a way so that I can give
: dial in users a menu like following?

: 1) PPP
: 2) SLIP
: 3) Shell account

Are you using RADIUS? (Not that this will solve all your problems, but
it can be made to work.)

: I am going to be running BSD/OS as the host.
: So when a user needs PPP access he/she types 1 and portmaster establishes
: dialnet and when user needs just a shell then portmaster operates in 
: as a regular terminal server? Any help will be greatly appriciated.

I had this same problem with my Total Control NetServer card (its a 
Portmaster)  I just added a bit of code to RADIUS that checks for a 
service prefix (S for SL/IP and P fro PPP) before authenticating a user.
So my users could enter Psomeuser for PPP Ssomeuser for SLIP and just 
someuser for access to their unix shell.

I believe that RADIUS may support some sort of menus but I haven't been able
to get anything working.

Email me for more info if you want.

|  Matthew N. Dodd                        Department of Computer Science  |
|  mdodd@tiger.lsu.edu                        Louisiana State University  |