*BSD News Article 46533

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From: mcr@metis.milkyway.com (Michael Richardson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: rnews setgid error/uucp feed
Date: 7 Jul 1995 14:44:53 -0400
Organization: Milkyway Networks Corporation, Ottawa, ON
Lines: 180
Message-ID: <3tjvb5$olp@metis.milkyway.com>
References: <nwh.85.00155D1D@tde.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: metis.milkyway.com
Keywords: rnews setgid uucp inn posting

In article <nwh.85.00155D1D@tde.com>, Nathan W. Harrington <nwh@tde.com> wrote:
>when rnews tries to post the article (after receiving it via uucp), it returns 
>'rnews: cant setgid to 8 Operation not permitted'.  Group 8 is news.

  setgid is essentially restricted to root. /bin/rnews is usually 
setuid news, not setuid root. This, with the addition of the POSIX 
rules for setuid, make setuid non-root almost useless.

  I ran into a similar problem on a NetBSD 1.0 system. It could not
open the AF_UNIX socket to innd when it was started by uucp.
  oopps... some of my debugging is still in there. You get the drift.
  I made /bin/rnews setuid root.

*** rnews.c-orig        Wed Apr 19 13:59:56 1995
--- rnews.c     Mon Jun 12 22:10:17 1995
*** 38,44 ****
  STATIC FILE   *FromServer;
  STATIC FILE   *ToServer;
! STATIC char   UNPACK[] = "news-unpack";
  STATIC HEADER RequiredHeaders[] = {
      { "Message-ID",   10 },
  #define _messageid    0
--- 38,44 ----
  STATIC FILE   *FromServer;
  STATIC FILE   *ToServer;
! STATIC char   UNPACK[] = "compress";
  STATIC HEADER RequiredHeaders[] = {
      { "Message-ID",   10 },
  #define _messageid    0
*** 372,377 ****
--- 372,378 ----
      /* Turn the descriptor into a stream. */
      if ((F = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL) {
        syslog(L_FATAL, "can't fdopen %d %m", fd);
+       fprintf(stderr,"can not fdopen %d, %s",fd,strerror(errno));
*** 388,393 ****
--- 389,395 ----
                    (SIZE_T)left, F)) != 0) {
        if (i < 0) {
            syslog(L_FATAL, "cant fread after %d bytes %m", used);
+           fprintf(stderr,"can not fread after %d bytes %s",used,strerror(errno));
        used += i;
*** 559,564 ****
--- 561,567 ----
                syslog(L_ERROR, "nested_cunbatch");
                return FALSE;
+           fprintf(stderr,"Starting uncompress\n");
            cargv[0] = UNPACK;
            cargv[1] = "-d";
            cargv[2] = NULL;
*** 699,707 ****
--- 702,712 ----
      int                       status;
      TempName(SPOOLTEMP, temp);
+     fprintf(stderr,"Spooltemp: %s",temp);
      if ((spfd = open(temp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, BATCHFILE_MODE)) < 0) {
        syslog(L_FATAL, "cant open %s %m", temp);
+       fprintf(stderr,"can not open %s; %s",temp,strerror(errno));
*** 734,739 ****
--- 739,745 ----
        syslog(L_FATAL, "cant rename %s to %s %m", temp, buff);
+     fprintf(stderr,"exit %d",status);
      /* NOTREACHED */
*** 808,824 ****
      int               mode;
      char      buff[SMBUF];
      char      *Slave;
      /* First thing, set up logging and our identity. */
      openlog("rnews", L_OPENLOG_FLAGS, LOG_INN_PROG);
!     if (setgid(getegid()) < 0) {
!       syslog(L_FATAL, "cant setgid to %d %m", getegid());
!     if (setuid(geteuid()) < 0) {
        syslog(L_FATAL, "cant setuid to %d %m", geteuid());
      UUCPHost = getenv(_ENV_UUCPHOST);
--- 814,850 ----
      int               mode;
      char      buff[SMBUF];
      char      *Slave;
+     static char               INNDDIR[] = _PATH_INNDDIR;
+     GID_T             NewsGID;
+     UID_T             NewsUID;
+     struct stat               Sb;
      /* First thing, set up logging and our identity. */
      openlog("rnews", L_OPENLOG_FLAGS, LOG_INN_PROG);
!     /* get right ids ... */
!     if (stat(INNDDIR, &Sb) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(Sb.st_mode)) {
!       syslog(L_FATAL, "rnews cant stat %s %m", INNDDIR);
!       exit(1);
!     }
!     NewsUID = Sb.st_uid;
!     NewsGID = Sb.st_gid;
!     /* Set our user and group id. */
!     (void)setgid(NewsGID);
!     if (getgid() != NewsGID)
!     {
!       syslog(L_FATAL, "cant setgid to %d %m", NewsGID);
!     (void)setuid(NewsUID);
!     if (getuid() != NewsUID) 
!     {
        syslog(L_FATAL, "cant setuid to %d %m", geteuid());
      UUCPHost = getenv(_ENV_UUCPHOST);
*** 847,852 ****
--- 873,880 ----
      ac -= optind;
      av += optind;
+     fprintf(stderr,"Rnews starting\n");
      /* Parse arguments.  At most one, the input file. */
      switch (ac) {
*** 873,878 ****
--- 901,907 ----
      else {
+       fprintf(stderr,"Doing NNTPlocalopen\n");
        if (NNTPlocalopen(&FromServer, &ToServer, buff) < 0) {
            /* If server rejected us, no point in continuing. */
            if (buff[0])
*** 892,897 ****
--- 921,927 ----
      if (mode == 'U')
      else {
+       fprintf(stderr,"UnpackOne\n");
        if (!UnpackOne(&fd, &i))
   :!mcr!:            |     <A HREF="http://www.milkyway.com/">Milkyway Networks Corporation</A>
   Michael Richardson |   Makers of the Black Hole firewall 
 NCF: aa714 || xx714  | +1 613 566-4574 ... mcr@milkyway.com
 Home: <A HREF="http://www.sandelman.ocunix.on.ca/People/Michael_Richardson/Bio.html">mcr@sandelman.ocunix.on.ca</A>. PGP key available.