*BSD News Article 46171

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From: mmead@Glock.COM (matthew c. mead)
Newsgroups: comp.emacs.xemacs,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: XEmacs 19.12 Meta character problem from XTerm?
Date: 25 Jun 1995 20:27:57 GMT
Organization: Glock Telecommunications
Lines: 20
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <MMEAD.95Jun25162757@Glock.COM>
NNTP-Posting-Host: glock.com
NNTP-Posting-User: mmead

    First of all, as everyone else has been saying, XEmacs 19.12 is
*great*.  Great work on it, guys!  Ok, now for the minor problem.

    I'm running XEmacs 19.12 on FreeBSD and on Solaris 2.4.  The Solaris
2.4 version will accept alt-x as M-x when I'm running XEmacs as
 "xemacs -nw" from an xterm.  However, on FreeBSD, this is not the case.  I
just get an "x" when doing so.  I'd really like to be able to use alt-x in
an xterm instead of ESC-x.  Any ideas?  adThanksvance!


Matthew C. Mead              | Network Administration: Virginia Tech Center for
                             | Transportation Research ->      mmead@ctr.vt.edu
mmead@Glock.COM              | Network Administration and Software Development
http://www.Glock.COM/~mmead/ | Consulting: BizNet Technologies -> mmead@bnt.com