*BSD News Article 44625

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From: bouyer@ensta.fr (Manuel Bouyer)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Stoopid yp/NetBSD question
Date: 26 May 1995 13:32:39 GMT
Organization: Techniques Avancees, Paris
Lines: 18
Sender: bouyer@bsdtest.ensta.fr (Manuel Bouyer)
Message-ID: <3q4l9o$cr@ici-paris.ensta.fr>
References: <3q2vik$im3@reuters2.mitre.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bsdtest.ensta.fr

In article <3q2vik$im3@reuters2.mitre.org>, cookson@linus.mitre.org (Dean Cookson) writes:
> I'm running NetBSD1.0 on a sparc and trying to get it to pull password
> information from yp.  +, +: and +:*:0:0::: in /etc/passwd and/or /etc/
> master.passwd don't seem to do the trick.  What extremely obvious thing
> am I missing?

You have to use 'vipw' to edit the passwd file. It will create a temp file
for editing, and then update passwd, master.passwd, pwd.db and spwd.db
with the pwd_mkdb command.

The line to add is:

Manuel Bouyer, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, Paris
email: bouyer@ensta.fr