*BSD News Article 44586

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From: tdwyer@netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au (Terry Dwyer)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Using tar with wangdat 3100
Date: 28 May 1995 15:18:17 +0800
Organization: Telstra Corporation
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <3q984c$dd1@netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au>
References: <3q0a3p$5tj@agate.berkeley.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au
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Geordan Rosario (geordan@OCF.Berkeley.EDU) wrote:
: I'm having problems using tar with a WangDAT 3100 SCSI tape drive.  As far as I
: know it is at /dev/rst0.  Are there any known incompatibilities with this
: drive?  It seems like I can tar to the tape, but if I `tar -t' nothing shows
: up.  I use `tar -c -v -f /dev/rst0', and all the files are displayed, and I
: assume that they're going _somewhere_.  I just can't get a listing, or extract
: files from the tar.

set your TAPE environment variable like this:

	export TAPE=/dev/nrst0 #no rewind on close device
For multiple tar operations on the same tape, or
	export TAPE=/dev/rst0 #rewind on close.

If you do this in your .profile it will be set each time you log in.
Now you don't have to specify a device on the command line.
Using tar -c -v -f indicates you want to save to a file not a device.
The `-f' switch is usually used like this

	tar cvf target.file.tar [directory | filemask | file] 

What you want to do is this:

	cd /
	tar cv * 

Hope this helps

   _-_|\    Terry Dwyer 	  E-Mail: tdwyer@netbsd08.dn.itg.telecom.com.au
  /     \   System Administrator  Phone: +61 9 491 5161     Fax: +61 9 221 2631
  *_.^\_/   Telecom Australia     Telstra Corporation       MIME capable mailer
       v    Perth  WA                 ( I do not speak for Telstra or Telecom )