*BSD News Article 44341

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From: julian@mailhub.tfs.com (Julian Elischer)
Subject: Re: Viper 5255 tar tapes from BSD to DOS
Message-ID: <D8rJy2.2GM@tfs.com>
Sender: usenet@tfs.com (Mr. News)
Organization: TRW Financial Systems, Oakland, CA
References: <mldD8LHpA.J28@netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 07:39:37 GMT
Lines: 12

In article <mldD8LHpA.J28@netcom.com>, Matthew Deter <mld@netcom.com> wrote:
>I have 525Meg QIC tapes that I've written out with FreeBSD on my
>Viper 2525 drive.  How can I read them under DOS?  "gtak100" appears
>to be the GNU tar for DOS which is most current.  I am using this with
>my Adaptec 1742 and ASPI manager, but it cannot read 525 meg tapes.
>(It *can* read 150Meg tapes, tho.  Havent' tried 250 meggers)

It's quite possible FreeBSD is running the 525 in VARIABLE BLOCK
mode.. (use the st utility from 1.1 to check if you can get it)
and that DOS may be using FIXED BLOCK mode....