*BSD News Article 44080

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From: taob@gate.sinica.edu.tw (Brian Tao)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Xman help?  Menus don't work
Date: 15 May 1995 10:01:55 GMT
Organization: Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <3p78qj$hui@gate.sinica.edu.tw>
References: <mvhD8Ft0s.6wE@netcom.com> <3ovnfv$men@Penny.ibmPCUG.CO.UK> <Nigel.7.000A29DE@otago.ac.nz>
NNTP-Posting-Host: @

In article <Nigel.7.000A29DE@otago.ac.nz>, Nigel Cunningham <Nigel@Otago.ac.nz> wrote:
>In article <3ovnfv$men@Penny.ibmPCUG.CO.UK> jake@Penny.ibmPCUG.CO.UK (Jake Dias) writes:
>>In article <mvhD8Ft0s.6wE@netcom.com>, Michael Harding <mvh@netcom.com> wrote:
>I have the same problem, starting when I went from 2.0R to the 950412

    Although this isn't a problem peculiar to FreeBSD (it's an XFree86
thing), perhaps we could stick this in the FAQ somehwere, or convince
the XFree86 folks to make it more prominent.

    Turn off NumLock and your menus will magically become functional
again.  Alternatively (and this is what I do, because it works with my
particular setup), define the "ServerNumLock" option in the Keyboard
section of /etc/XF86Config.  That let's me use the numeric keypad in
Angband, while retaining the rest of my X key bindings.  :)
Brian ("Though this be madness, yet there is method in't") Tao
taob@gate.sinica.edu.tw <-- work ........ play --> taob@io.org