*BSD News Article 43885

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From: hdslip@iii1.iii.net (HD Associates)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Dat tape drive problems
Date: 11 May 1995 08:45:53 -0400
Organization: HD Associates, Inc.
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <3ot0uk$gts@iii1.iii.net>
References: <3or9ga$1ul@noc1.portland.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: iii1.iii.net

In article <3or9ga$1ul@noc1.portland.net>,
news.biddeford.com <jernst@biddeford.com> wrote:
>I work for a ISP and we are haveing trouble
>with BSD/386 1.1

Is this the BSDI product?  If so you may want to follow up with

>It is the DAT tape drive we use is giveing SCSI Errors.
>sd0:scsi sense: Recoverd error: asc 0x18, ascq 0x1

{0x18, 0x1} is "Recovered data with error correction & retries applied"
You should be able to continue.

>aha0: command timed out   (the backup died)

Does this always follow the above error?  If so it looks like
a driver problem.
Peter Dufault               Real Time Machine Control and Simulation
HD Associates, Inc.         Voice: 508 433 6936
dufault@hda.com             Fax:   508 433 5267