*BSD News Article 43875

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From: laine@morningstar.com (Laine Stump)
Subject: netatalk for NetBSD
Message-ID: <laine.11.0958F7AF@morningstar.com>
Lines: 8
Sender: news@MorningStar.Com
Nntp-Posting-Host: curl.morningstar.com
Organization: Morning Star Technologies
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B]
Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 18:54:49 GMT
Lines: 8

Has anyone built netatalk (an appletalk server) for NetBSD 1.0? I have the 
source for netatalk 1.3.1, but it only has Makefiles for SunOS 4.1.x and 

Any other appletalk file/print servers that build on NetBSD?

Laine Stump