*BSD News Article 43484

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From: dbaker@concorde.neosoft.com (Daniel Baker)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Porting stuff...
Date: 15 Mar 1995 16:33:39 GMT
Organization: NeoSoft Internet Services   +1 713 968 5800
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <3k74t3$4vh@uuneo.neosoft.com>
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Thomas Schroecher (schroect@PROBLEM_WITH_INEWS_DOMAIN_FILE) wrote:
: hey everyone...
: I've got the Walnut Creek CD rom for FreeBSD 2.0...anyhow, I'm tyring to get
: pine to work (very very very unsucessfully)...anyhow, I ftp the complete
: source for pine from ftp.cac.washington.edu, which I guess is the official
: site...compiling that didn't help me out a lot 'ucz it gave me ton of error
: messages.  Then if found this directory called /ports/mail/pine on my
: CD...and will, that only had like 3 direcotires and 3 files in it.  So my
: question, just exactly how does one go about using that port?  i've read the
: docs, and its only confusing me more...anyhow dats all, thanx :)
Just go into the directory where the port is, and type in:


So to go to olvwm, you would type in:
cd /usr/ports/x11/olvwm

Then, it will download and compile the program.

Daniel Baker -- NeoSoft Student Assistant (UseNet, FTP & FreeNet Admin.)
      ** http://www.neosoft.com/neosoft/staff/dbaker/default.html **