*BSD News Article 43173

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From: briggs@puma.bevd.blacksburg.va.us (Allen Briggs)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: UNIX for the Mac
Followup-To: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Date: 5 Mar 1995 19:36:23 GMT
Organization: Home, Blacksburg, Virginia
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <3jd3rn$q9q@solaris.cc.vt.edu>
References: <pde-0203951552410001@bubba.res-hall.nwu.edu> <LIM.95Mar2152126@brian.jpl.nasa.gov> <3jatad$s4u@feenix.metronet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: puma.bevd.blacksburg.va.us

[ Note follow-ups to netbsd group. ]

In article <3jatad$s4u@feenix.metronet.com> rbarton@metronet.com writes:
>How well does NetBSD run on the Mac SE/30?  Is X windows supported on it?

What do you mean, "how well?"  I was doing development on an SE/30 for a
while--i.e. it works for me ;-).  8MB of RAM is plenty.  You don't want to
run X on the internal display, but at least a couple of display cards can
cause problems.

>What about the Amiga port?  Any feedback on this is also welcomed.

I haven't used it personally, but it seems to be well-supported and
useful ;-)


Allen Briggs - end killing - allen.briggs@bev.net ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **