*BSD News Article 43150

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From: andrew@wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de (Andrew Wheadon)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.apps
Subject: Re: lynx
Date: 24 Feb 1995 16:09:47 GMT
Organization: Rechenzentrum Uni-Mannheim
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <3il0cb$s1n@darum.uni-mannheim.de>
References: <3id5ej$3r4@nnrp.ucs.ubc.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de

In article <3id5ej$3r4@nnrp.ucs.ubc.ca>,
>2) that allowed me to get down to a compile of the file
>Library/Implementation/HTML.c that failed because it could not find
>the file -- it just isn't in the distribution!

I compiled it using 'gmake' and using 'gmake generic' 
I had to edit the Makefiles to specifically use gmake.

I also had to define a few things like "NO_SOMETHING OR OTHER"
in files that failed.

The cost of living hasn't affected it's popularity. (unknown)
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