*BSD News Article 41828

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From: prubin@engws4.ic.sunysb.edu (Paul E Rubin)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Tape Drive Overwrites...
Date: 30 Jan 1995 17:36:18 GMT
Organization: State University of New York at Stony Brook
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <3gj82i$6sd@adam.cc.sunysb.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: engws4.ic.sunysb.edu
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Hi everyong. I have a small problem with a Colorado Tape drive.
I can get it to back up info to the drive , but I can't back up
multiple volumes to the tape. For example..

If I have 3 users on the system that I want to back up to tape and 
want to have 3 separate volumes for each user. I'm able to back up the
first one fine, but the tape rewinds automatically after that and 
every time I back up another user, it will overwrite the information for 
the first one. I've tryed the following but didn't work..

tar cvzf - /users/jack | ft "jack's directory"

 now if you say

ft -f /dev/ft0 status

you will se something like

fifill vol*01 00003434 "jack's directory" ....
on the screen. Now back up the other user.

ft -f /dev/ft0 weof
tar cvzf - /users/mike | ft "mike's directory"

now if you look at the tape again you will see :

fifil vol*01 0002034 "mike's directory" ... 

What happened to the first volume that had jack's stuff on it... Why 
is the tape not responding to woef command and overwriting the data that
was there before..?

thanks in advance..
