*BSD News Article 41706

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.misc:5118 comp.os.linux.misc:34176 comp.os.os2.advocacy:76433
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From: jhenders@jonh.wimsey.com (John Henders)
Subject: Re: Linux thoroughly insulted by Infoworld!
Message-ID: <D2zM2C.o6@jonh.wimsey.com>
Organization: St Dismas' Home for the Incurably Informed
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 00:44:36 GMT
References: <1995Jan21.045834.11541@ka4ybr.com> <D2x913.3x@kerberos.demon.co.uk> <1995Jan25.153658.969@osborne.demon.co.uk> <3g6hkj$aeh@newstand.syr.edu>
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5b3.0
Lines: 20

In <3g6hkj$aeh@newstand.syr.edu> smcarey@mailbox.syr.edu (Shawn Carey) writes:

>In article <1995Jan25.153658.969@osborne.demon.co.uk> alan@osborne.demon.co.uk (Alan Osborne) writes:
>>Anthony Lovell (alovell@kerberos.demon.co.uk) wrote:
>>: Mark A. Horton KA4YBR (mah@ka4ybr.com) wrote:
>>: : 	I think the entire "vendor support" argument is, in reality, another way
>>: : 	of saying "Whew!  There's a problem!  I can blame it on the vendor and 

>I don't get it.  Are you saying that people should happily fix bugs in
>software they pay for?

	No, he's saying that there's an important management principle
involved here, called CYA. (cover your ass)

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