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From: Ian S Nelson <bonovox+@CMU.EDU>
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.os2.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux thoroughly insulted by Infoworld!
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 15:36:31 -0500
Organization: Sophomore, Math/Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA
Lines: 48
Message-ID: <oj7gpDm00iWPQ7hm0d@andrew.cmu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: po2.andrew.cmu.edu
In-Reply-To: <950116203411@lambada>

Excerpts from netnews.comp.os.os2.advocacy: 17-Jan-95 Linux thoroughly
insulted b.. by "Mr. Ed"@lambada.oit.unc 
> In the columns section of the Jan 16 Infoworld, there is a column
> highly insulting to linux. In it the writer basically says the
> following:
>   o linux is really not free
>   o linux users are as neurotic as Amiga fans
>   o linux is difficult to install (their senior systems analyst
>     apparently failed to install it)
>   o linux should be called "underware"!
> He then goes on to refer to linux as underware throughout the column
> -- over ten times. The column is also titled something like "Linux
> should be called underware". Underware what? Hanes? Fruit of the loom?
> BVD? How insulting!

Well, it really is free if you have the right connections, many people
do not and many businesses that would install it would probably want it
on a CD or something.

The users are just like amiga fans, they have a lot of support for it. 
That is good and all, Linux is not that bad being free.  It runs on a
lot of configurations.  There are better things out there though, IMO
and the opinion of many more people.  BSD, Solaris, AIX, SCO, UnixWare,
NextStep, and several others all run on x86 too...  Linux users don't
seem to understand that; you don't get source with all of those, but you
often get a lot more than you do with linux.  Just the fact that you are
making this public scene about it kind of proves his point.

Installing it is an involved procedure, it's not something you just sit
down and do in 45minutes one day.  If your hardware isn't very
mainstream it can be real tough to install linux.  I have yet to see a
relatively novice user using linux.  Most of the people I know who run
it are self-proclaimed "hackers" or "wizards" that get off seeing their
486 run a real "UNIX" system.  "I compiled the kernel myself!"  Awful
proud of you!  

It's not a bad operating system, it is definitely useful for something
things, but it doesn't make up much of the market and it isn't really a
threat to OS/2 or windows.  THe lack of support will keep it where it
is, and if by some fluke it becomes a major player, IBM and MS will act
Ian S. Nelson  <bonovox@cmu.edu>                  finger for PGP key
Carnegie Mellon Math/Computer Science 
My opinions are not the school's, although they should be!