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From: dangit@netcom.com (Lam Dang)
Subject: Re: Linux thoroughly insulted by Infoworld!
Message-ID: <dangitD2Jz8s.EvG@netcom.com>
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Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
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References: <950116203411@lambada>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 14:07:40 GMT
Lines: 28

Mr. Ed (ed.duomo@lambada.oit.unc.edu) wrote:
: In the columns section of the Jan 16 Infoworld, there is a column
: highly insulting to linux. In it the writer basically says the
: following:

:   o linux is really not free
:   o linux users are as neurotic as Amiga fans
:   o linux is difficult to install (their senior systems analyst
:     apparently failed to install it)
:   o linux should be called "underware"!

: He then goes on to refer to linux as underware throughout the column
: -- over ten times. The column is also titled something like "Linux
: should be called underware". Underware what? Hanes? Fruit of the loom?
: BVD? How insulting!

: What do you think of this?

I'd react the same way to any product or process which poses a real threat 
to my making a living.  If I'm a trade rag, what's in Linux for me?

Linux, its developers, and its users must be doing something right to
get this kind of attention.

Lam Dang