*BSD News Article 41075

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From: ras@jax.gttw.com (Andrew Sharp)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: FreeBSD vs. ....
Date: 16 Jan 1995 23:59:38 GMT
Organization: Jax Gateway to the World
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <3ff19a$j9d@news.gttw.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: jax.gttw.com
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

	What can anyone tell me about the differences (in as short a summary as
possible) between FreeBSD, NetBSD, and 386BSD.  I have been running FreeBSD 
v2.0 for a little while and have found it to be quite pleasant.  I would
however like to know some of the differences.  If there are some good WWW
pages anywhere that anyone is aware of, I would appreciate their addresses.

	What of the variations (please correct me if I am wrong) is the one
which is "becoming" the current version of the BSD distribution which will
continue?  <- Or did I misinterpret something somewhere? ->  If each one serves
a different purpose, please let me know what that is.

	Does anyone have some good suggestions on hardware to purchase for a
nice server/workstation box with ...BSD on it?  I'd like to have an S3 video
card (worked with them and found I prefer them the most) and around 24-32 Megs
of Memory.  Would like suggestions on the HD controller (Was thinking DPT), the
video card (was thinking #9 GXE-64) and a 486 series box.  HD will be a
Fujitsu M2694 ESA (1 gig).

	Two questions regarding FreeBSD:  1) X seems to be extremely slow.  It
takes the better part of 10 - 20 seconds to come up when xdm is used.

	Hardware one this:	20M RAM, VLB IDE, Diamond S3 (ISA), 486DX-33.

	Does anyone know where I can find a "complete" version of olwm?  The
distribution version is missing numerous files for the properties, etc.  I was
hoping that someone may have noticed that problem and create a archive which
has that "glitch" fixed.

Thanks in advance,