*BSD News Article 40891

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From: paul@vix.com (Paul A Vixie)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.internals,comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Fast File System: optimizing arguments to newfs
Date: 14 Jan 95 16:41:59
Organization: Vixie Enterprises
Lines: 11
Message-ID: <PAUL.95Jan14164159@sager.vix.com>
References: <MARC.95Jan13161859@dun-dun-noodles.cam.ov.com> <3f6udo$dhu@bosnia.pop.psu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sager.home.vix.com
In-reply-to: barr@pop.psu.edu's message of 13 Jan 1995 17:21:44 -0500

>> 1) News spool.  Lots and lots of small files.
>"-m 5 -f 512 -i 2500 -b 4096" is what I use.

-i 4100 -f 1024 -b 4096 is what i use, since most articles are 4100 bytes long.
(that's from a size histogram, which is much more useful than an average.)
Paul Vixie
La Honda, CA