*BSD News Article 40491

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: :BSD386 v1.1 Questions, some easy some general
From: sysop@teaminfinity.com (Sysop)
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!msunews!agate!iat.holonet.net!teaminfi!sysop
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <76.363.490.0N966F24@teaminfinity.com>
Date: Thu,  5 Jan 95 19:56:00 -0500
Organization: TEAM INFINITY P.O. BOX 952 Greenbelt, MD 20770 USA
Lines: 61

We are using BSD386 version 1.1 and have some questions, NOT ALL of
which are BSDI specific.  Any help on any of the questions is greatly

General UNIX questions:

How do we make a dialin line hangup when no keyboard activity has taken
place in say 5 minutes ?

Is there a way to limit the amount of time a user can stay connected ?

And lastly is there a way to watch someone else and what they are doing
(a user logged in via a dialin line say tty00) from the console ?

How do we set up accounting so that we can keep track of who
logged on and for how long etc ?

Somewhat BSD386 v1.1 Specific Questions:

General hints better than nothing.

Hi we are trying to use the a: drive and the CDROM drive and do not know
where to begin.  One of the things we want to try and do is copy a
diskette in drive a: to a blank diskette in drive a: (after switching of
course) (We want to backup floppies completely, i.e. if the diskette was
bootable, we wnat the copy to be as well and these are UNIX diskettes,
i.e. the BSD floppies for example that shipped with our BSD 1.1)

Also we would like to be able to access the CDROM, i.e. do an ls on it
and cp files from it etc.

We suspect both of the above require mounting the drive first (a: or the

Also, how do we add another IDE hard drive to our system.  What we
are running into is the root partition is 98% full, it even was
completely full at one time.  WE used the recommended sizing in the
release notes, how did this fill up so quick ?  What are these files and
can they be deleted:


Also, can all the ISODE files be deleted without affecting our internet
access, smtp, nntp, mosaic telnet, ftp etc stuff, i.e. what would we
need it for ? We know there are for OSI something or another but can
we delete them and still be able to be an "Internet" Server ?

Thanks very much !!!,

        Eric Sean Webber
