*BSD News Article 39120

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From: cradle@wam.umd.edu (David)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,gnu.gcc.help,gnu.g++.help
Subject: Re: Problem with gcc/g++-2.6.2, using libg++-2.6.1
Date: 7 Dec 1994 22:50:48 GMT
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <3c5e88$otc@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu>
References: <3c42ma$7re@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rac2.wam.umd.edu

In article <3c42ma$7re@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu>,
David <cradle@wam.umd.edu> wrote:
>I've finally succeeded in building gcc-2.6.2 (using the fixed freebsd.h header
>file from gcc-2.6.3) and libg++2.6.1 on my 386/40 FreeBSD 1.1 system.
>However, gcc doesn't seem to be working properly.  When I try to compile this
>/*  test3.cc */
>enum {false, true};

Sorry to respond to my own post; I just wanted to thank those who pointed
out that "true" and "false" are reserved in ANSI C++.

David Eisner
University of Maryland at College Park