*BSD News Article 39016

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From: ge@ece.ucdavis.edu (Zheng-Yu Ge)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Need help on FILE in stdio.h, FreeBSD
Date: 6 Dec 1994 20:48:56 GMT
Organization: U.C. Davis - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lines: 5
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <3c2ino$qc1@mark.ucdavis.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: orach.ece.ucdavis.edu
Originator: ge@orach.ece.ucdavis.edu

Hi, there. I just learned recently the difference of FILE's between
FBSD and SYSTEMV style. I am wondering if there is any way porting a
program using such as "file->cnd" and "file->prt" to FBSD 
	Thanks an advance.