*BSD News Article 3802

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Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!uunet!mcsun!Germany.EU.net!unido!hcshh!hm
From: hm@hcshh.hcs.de (Hellmuth Michaelis)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: 386BSD - vt100 vga driver posted to alt.sources
Keywords: 386bsd vga driver vt100
Message-ID: <1572@hcshh.hcs.de>
Date: 18 Aug 92 10:03:55 GMT
Organization: HCS GmbH, Hamburg, Europe
Lines: 34


i just posted a pccons driver for vga-boards to alt.sources. this one is
strictly for vga owners, no other boards are supported yet, sorry!

it's possible, that it may not everybodies taste, for me it is a great
enhancement of my 386bsd environment. if you don't like it, cat * >/dev/null!

being a (character-) terminal user, my objective was to 1. provide vt100
functionality and 2. to get function key labels, which i got used to since
my first meeting with an hp3000 series II and 3. "cheap" virtual screens.

i'd like to thank holger veit for his keyboard code, without it something
i did would not be possible. he reported some bugs to me, some i could fix,
one (a trap while pressing keys) is not reproducable by me, so ...

the additional code posted contains mostly all my development environment,
it is posted in the hope to speed up further development and bugfixing.

this code is far from being perfect, but i think, it's a startpoint.

this whole stuff ran now several weeks without noticable instabilities
on a 486/16Mb/scsi machine, so i think it is time now to let it go.

thanks to lynne, bill and all the contributors to 386bsd !

ps: if someone has code to detect, what type of card is installed (mda,
    cga,ega,vga) and this code avoids the use of the programming language
    "int10", i would like to hear from him !

hellmuth michaelis    HCS Hanseatischer Computerservice GmbH   hamburg, europe
hm@hcshh.hcs.de              tel: +49/40/55903-170         fax: +49/40/5591486