*BSD News Article 37987

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From: ltb@cldc.howard.edu (Lismond T. Bernard)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.misc
Subject: WANTED: Kernel Hacking Guide for *BSD
Date: 17 Nov 1994 18:57:18 GMT
Organization: Howard University, Computer Learning & Design Center
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <3ag92e$dg6@sulu.cldc.howard.edu>
Reply-To: ltb@cldc.howard.edu
NNTP-Posting-Host: worf.howard.edu
Summary: documentation on kernel
Keywords: kernel
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Hello all,

I would like to know where I can obtain documentation on the Kernel
structures of any of the Freeware BSD operating systems for Intel 80x86 
family.  Specifically I am looking for information on:
	Device Drivers
	Filesystem management
	System/Kernel level calls
	Memory Management, Paging and Segments

I have a similar document on the Linux kernel.
Some sources I have already looked at:

FTP Sites

Web Sites

Thanks in advance,

Lismond T. Bernard (Sys Admin)	        |   "Experience is what causes
Computer Learning & Design Center       |        a person to make 
Howard University School of Engineering | 	  new mistakes
Washington, District of Columbia, USA	|      instead of old ones."

		   tel: (202) - 806 - 6621	 
		   fax: (202) - 806 - 4808
		  http: //www.cldc.howard.edu/~ltb