*BSD News Article 37403

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From: victorwu@hk.net (Victor Wai Hung WU)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Yellow Pages (NIS), cmdtool and vi on xview32 on XFree86-2.1.1 on FreeBSD
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 17:42:58
Organization: Business Infrastructure Technology Ltd
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <victorwu.21.0011B7DC@hk.net>
X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A]

Hello folks,

Has anyone been able to connect FreeBSD workstations together and have 
yellow pages or (NIS) using a Sun running Solaris as the NIS server. Can you 
give me some pointers on how to do just that. Thanks a lot.

I have also got xview 3.2 running on XFree86 2.1.1 on FreeBSD However 
when I run cmdtool or shelltool I have problem running vi or more. It seems 
that the termcap has problem. Please, if any of you have done that 
successfully, give me some help.

Thank you very much

Victor W H Wu