*BSD News Article 37341

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.cs.su.oz.au!metro!asstdc.scgt.oz.au!imb
From: imb@asstdc.scgt.oz.au (michael butler)
Subject: NFS: vnode pager error: 5 ?
Organization: Assorted C Software, Sydney
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 03:40:25 GMT
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Message-ID: <CyMFJE.E79@asstdc.scgt.oz.au>
Reply-To: imb@scgt.oz.au
Lines: 11

When mounting a drive from an Interactive SVR3 v4.1 box and then copying
some rather large files (gcc 2.6 :-)), FreeBSD complains of an
error, fails to copy the file and corrupts the drive's free list :-(.

I tried setting rsize=1024, since that works with my DOS-based NFS but to no
avail. Ethernet cards in both cases are SMC WD8013EPC and ftp's fly along at
170k/sec without error even when both are .. "loaded" :-). 

Any hints ?
