*BSD News Article 37313

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From: cmetz@inner.net (Craig Metz)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.misc,sci.electronics
Subject: Re: APC SmartUPS series serial-port protocol anyone?
Date: 30 Oct 1994 10:16:03 GMT
Organization: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Lines: 21
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <CMETZ.94Oct30051603@itchy.inner.net>
References: <TAMSKY.94Oct29191638@avarice.ugcs.caltech.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: scratchy.inner.net
NNTP-Posting-User: nobody
In-reply-to: tamsky@avarice.ugcs.caltech.edu's message of 30 Oct 1994 02:16:38 GMT

In article <TAMSKY.94Oct29191638@avarice.ugcs.caltech.edu> tamsky@avarice.ugcs.caltech.edu (Marc Tamsky) writes:

>   I have a SmartUPS 600 from American Power Conversions (APC),  it has
>   a serial port which provides for intelligent remote management.
>   Does anyone have the protocol spec for how to talk to it?

	Yes, but APC isn't going to give it to you without an NDA.

>   Has anyone reverse-engineered the code or listened to their
>   proprietary PowerChute software talking to it?

	Unfortunately, they put this nasty little clause in their software
license that you can't reverse-engineer anything. Of course.

	Given their consistent lack of caring about their current or 
potential users, I'd avoid APC like the plague. It's just not worth the
hassle when other UPS manufacturers don't play childish games with their
shutdown protocols.
