*BSD News Article 37216

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From: loren@mcl.ucsb.edu (Loren Koss)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Installing on > 1024 cylinders..
Date: 28 Oct 1994 00:05:14 GMT
Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <38pf7r$r0b@ucsbuxb.ucsb.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mcl.ucsb.edu

Okay, I have a HD w/ greater than 1024 cylinders and if I try to install 
it after my dos partition I get the missing operator system.  Now, I 
heard that you run the program called pfdisk and thatb will tell you 
different numbers to put in for the geometry.  I tried it and it still 
didn't work.  While it was installing it would say "wd0: can't..." 
something about the 64 heads that pfdisk said my HD had and that it would 
cahnge it back to 16.  But it would just keep repeating it.  WHY?

Thanx for all your help..


|| Loren Daniel Koss  || Three tomatos are walking down the steet: Papa     ||
|| Computer Science   || tomato, mama tomato, and baby tomato.  Baby        ||
|| Santa Barbara      || tomato was lagging so papa tomato walked back      ||
|| ------------------ || stomped on him and said "KETCHUP!" - PULP FICTION  ||