*BSD News Article 37201

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From: c9020@rrzc1a (Hubert Feyrer)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: NetBSd vs SunOS ?
Date: 27 Oct 1994 01:47:00 GMT
Organization: University of Regensburg, Germany
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <38n0qkINN7m4@rrzs3.uni-regensburg.de>
References: <MUEPF.94Oct25122857@iff162.iff.kfa-juelich.de>
Reply-To: hubert.feyrer@rz.uni-regensburg.de
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Sorry, no experience with NetBSD/SPARC here, but...

> (3) I assume, the sources written for SunOS 4.1.x s/w will compile out
>     of the box. True ?

No. As NetBSD uses a 64bity off_t whereas SunOS uses a 32bit one
(AFAIK), you'll have to expect surprises on programs that use calls
like seek() without using propper prototypes. I didn't encouter these
problems yet (NetBSD/Amiga here), but be warned that there might lurk
some evils.


=============== Hubert Feyrer ============================================
      Weekdays: Rennerstr. 19, D-93053 Regensburg,  Tel. 0941/701788
      Weekends: Bachstr. 40,   D-84066 Mallersdorf, Tel. 08772/6084
      Internet: hubert.feyrer@rz.uni-regensburg.de == IRC: hubertf