*BSD News Article 37050

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:13884 comp.unix.bsd:15113
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From: tas@minke.cc.utas.edu.au (Tasman Van Ommen)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.unix.bsd
Subject: How to disable network access?
Date: 17 Oct 1994 21:33:40 GMT
Organization: University of Tasmania, Australia.
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <37uqjk$mue@franklin.cc.utas.edu.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: minke.iasos.utas.edu.au

Simple question for some I hope:

I installed FreeBSD on my 486 at work where it was connected to the
net (and what an easy way to install it is!).  The problem is that
now I have the machine at home it hangs whenever it tries to
execute startnet or the various network daemons (btw I keep the
ethernet card in the machine).  What is the neat way of circumventing
this situation?  I expect I can comment out parts of my rc file, but
this seems like a very inelegant method of solving what must be a
common problem.  (NB:  I intend to run ppp over the modem and I
don't know whether this requires some network software to be running)

Eagerly awaiting answers!
Tas van Ommen

Dr. Tas van Ommen
Glaciology Section
Australian Antarctic Division & Antarctic CRC
Antarctic CRC                 E-mail: tas.vanommen@antcrc.utas.edu.au
University of Tasmania        Phone:         (002) 20 2981
GPO Box 252C, Hobart          Fax:           (002) 20 2902
Tasmania 7001, AUSTRALIA      International: (+61-02) 20 2981