*BSD News Article 37029

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From: jmonroy@netcom.com (Jesus Monroy Jr)
Subject: Re: We a FAQ: Linux vs. *BSD!!!
Message-ID: <jmonroyCxsGyu.5E1@netcom.com>
Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.linux.development
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
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References: <jmonroyCxLro2.IF6@netcom.com> <JKH.94Oct13042845@freefall.cdrom.com> <37mflh$f6s@unix1.cc.uop.edu> <37o1sb$444@quagga.ru.ac.za>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 23:23:18 GMT
Lines: 83

Geoff Rehmet (csgr@cs.ru.ac.za) wrote:

: In <37mflh$f6s@unix1.cc.uop.edu> hughes@napa.eng.uop.edu (Ken Hughes) writes:

: It's all very well and easy to say that "someone should go and compile
: a list of features and differences".  I think the 386BSD FAQ tries to
: do this, to a degree, but the maintainer has (as far as I can recall)
: been pretty close to getting pissed of and "leaving the room" on a
: number of occasions.
	Does his "leaving the room" relate to this topic at hand?

	If so and your point is, perhaps, that he is over worked?
	Then this might be just the thing to keep the "maintainer"
	on to continue in his excellent work.

:  If someone does put together a list of features
: and differences, that list has to be maintained.  Such a job would
: probably result in more aggravation than anything else, given the
: tendency for flame wars to develop.
	I would agree that this job would be a challenge, but
	as anything in life -- we are told that this type of
	"burden" builds character.    I agree that it builds
	"character, if you do, then perhaps you see the need
	for such a FAQ, and perhaps you see hope this might
	benifit your goals.

: A feature, which to one person looks good, may look bad to another.
	Exactly, I think, why someone has recommended a committee
	process in this.    This, of course, is a long arduous (sp?)
	series of events, but well worth it.

: Lets take shared libraries as an example.  I'm pretty sure that you
: could get a pretty good flamewar going about whether Linux or *BSD have
: got the best solution to shared libraries.  Without going into the
: details of each, both have advantages and disadvantages.
	YEs, exactly --- pointing out the "advantages vs. the disadvantages"
	is the whole reason for this excercise (sp?).

: I realize that what I'm saying doesn't change or help anything.  It
: would however help, if those of us who do try to answer some of the
: questions would try and set our egos and our love for our pet systems
: aside when answering the questions, and try to give a balanced answer,
: and do our best not to write any flame-bait.
	Given the "Human Aspect" -- the heat of the moment, last nights
	torrid love affair, the present hang-over, or may just having
	been taken for $100 dollars -- I would say staying away from
	"touchy" subjects is best left for the political game and NOT
	the science and research work we do.

: I don't think we will get rid of the flame-wars.  Also, the competition
: between the groups is good -- it keeps us all on our toes, and the
: people who benefit in the end are the users.
	Yes, I agree.  This is why sometimes a might resort to
	name calling, not that this is always the best solution.

: It would be nice to see a factual list of differences between the
: different free UN*Xes compiled.  I just don't see it happening, and I
: sure as hell am not volunteering to do it.  (Remember that anyone who
: tries to pin down any one of *BSD or Linux is shooting at a moving
: target -- these systems all move so fast as they incorporate new
: features and borrow from each other.)
	Yes, your right this is a moving traget, but so is life.

	If your discourage about the fact that a simple ascii
	list can't be done, perhaps this is the best time to
	reconsider a carrer (sp?) decision.   After all, don't
	to expect to many more "John Sculleys" of the world 
	to be finally uncovered.

Jesus Monroy Jr                                          jmonroy@netcom.com
Zebra Research
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