*BSD News Article 36847

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:13778 comp.protocols.ppp:6224 comp.os.linux.help:59611
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!msuinfo!agate!library.ucla.edu!news.mic.ucla.edu!delaroca
From: delaroca@library.ucla.edu (Denis De La Roca)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.protocols.ppp,comp.os.linux.help
Subject: Re: PPP at 115200 bps (FreeBSD or Linux?) to a Xyplex MX1620?
Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.protocols.ppp,comp.os.linux.help
Date: 12 Oct 1994 10:28:29 GMT
Organization: UCLA Microcomputer Support Office
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <37gdod$6k6@news.mic.ucla.edu>
References: <JKH.94Oct6212030@freefall.cdrom.com> <37bi89$img@green.cs.nyu.edu> <37djo4$h8d@news.mic.ucla.edu> <ernstjdt.44.2E9B8B17@ctech.ac.za>
NNTP-Posting-Host: montag.library.ucla.edu
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

ernstjdt@ctech.ac.za wrote:

: Sorry for jumping in so late, but where on this planet can I get my hands on 
: this card???

: Can you mail me an address, fax number prefered, or better are the 
: manufactures on the net?

They are carried on Most decent Computer Stores, I saw them at Computer City.
Mail order places such as Computer Discount Warehouse (CDW) also carry them.
Or you can try contacting Hayes directly.

-- Denis