*BSD News Article 34920

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From: jfw@ksr.com (John F. Woods)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: FreeBSD VS BSDI/386 ? -
Date: 25 Aug 1994 20:43:14 GMT
Organization: Kendall Square Research
Lines: 22
Message-ID: <33ivp2$dt3@hopscotch.ksr.com>
References: <337ktb$qil@werple.apana.org.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: kaos.ksr.com

john@hysteria.apana.org.au (John Herks) writes:
>Whats Better ?

Yes, What is definitely better, because it has been shipping in its final
form since the English language (mostly) stabilized centuries ago.

Better at what?  Which one makes a better tea cozy?  Cleans bathroom tiles
more easily?  Tastes great?  Less filling?

If you've just got to have a short answer:  BSDI's product has the advantage
that there exist people who are PAID to listen to your bug reports and fix
them; if this is important to you, then you really have no choice*.  However,
the fact that they ARE being paid directly implies that you have to pay BSDI,
$1K for a source license, and $250(???) for a binary only license.

If you want a cheap OS source to marvel at and maybe screw around with, and
don't mind that the maintainers are just random hackers with real day jobs,
then the *BSD releases are what you want to look into (and if you value your
keyboard, don't ask which of them is "better" :-).

If neither of these particular issues is interesting to you, then you'll
have to be just a tiny bit more specific.