*BSD News Article 34514

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From: olson@snapdragon.cs.odu.edu (Jaguar <Mike Olson>)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc
Subject: BSD for the 680x0 based systems, (ie. Mac's)
Date: 18 Aug 1994 05:28:54 GMT
Organization: Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Va
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <32urim$gt7@xanth.cs.odu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: snapdragon.cs.odu.edu

I have a friend who is very interested in getting a BSD Unix for a 68040 based
Mac. Preferably Free. He has a 4.3 BSD Commercial Unix that came with his 
system, but he has to pay additional fee's to get a Compiler (What kind of a 
raw deal is that?) If anyone has any info about a Free or Cheap Mac BSD please
let me know. (Post or Mail)

Thank You,
     Michael Olson